Parles català? helps you learn Catalan verbs. This site offers a lot to help you learning the Catalan language.
Find complete conjugation tables of more than two thousand verbs. Type in a verb or look one up in one of the categories.
Do you need more background information on the subjunctive mood, compound tenses or other topics on Catalan verbs? Go to the article section where you can read about the usage of moods and tenses in Catalan.
Furthermore you can practise Catalan verb conjugations on line in several interactive ways. It's all for free!
Where do people speak Catalan?
Catalan is a Romance language that shares many characteristics with Spanish, Occitan and French. It is spoken in Catalonia, the region of Valencia, the Balearic Islands and a eastern edge of Aragon. It is also spoken in Andorra and in the city of Alghero (Sardinia) and Northern Catalonia (in the extreme South of France). Over ten million people speak Catalan. is based on central Catalan.
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