Verbs in Catalan
These articles are about the use of verbs in Catalan. You can read here about forms and the verbal modes and tenses in the Catalan language. In Catalan there are four verbal modes: l'indicatiu (the indicative mode), el subjuntiu (the subjunctive mode), el condicional (the conditional mode) and l'imperatiu (the imperative mode)...
The non-finate forms
The non-finate forms do not have an inflection or reference to a grammatical person. These forms have a more unique character. In Catalan there are three non-finate forms: the infinitive, the gerund and the participle. This article explains the use of these forms in Catalan.
The indicative mood
The indicative mood (mode indicatiu) is used to express real events. This mood consists of the following simple tenses: present, imperfet, passat (simple i perifràstic) and futur. There are also the following compound tenses: perfet, plusquamperfet, passat anterior (simple i perifràstic) and futur perfet. This article treats all tenses used in the indicative mood in Catalan.
The subjunctive mood
The subjunctive mood (subjuntiu) expresses hypothetical, unsure and wishful things. The subjunctive contains the following tenses: present, imperfet, perfet and plusquamperfet. This article is all about the use of the subjunctive mood in Catalan.
The conditional mood
The conditional mood (mode condicional) is used to express an action of which the fulfillment depends on a condition. This article describes the way the conditional is used in Catalan.
The imperative mood
The imperative mood (mode imperatiu) expresses an order. This article describes some examples and the use of the imperative in Catalan.