The conditional mood (mode condicional) is used to express an action of which the fulfillment depends on a condition. This article describes the way the conditional is used in Catalan.

Conditional simple Condicional simple

The simple conditional (in Catalan: condicional simple) expresses an action that could take place depending on wheter or not a certain condition is met:

Si tinguéssim més temps, viatjaríem més.
If we had more time, we would travel more.
Si tinguessis una bicicleta, podríem fer rutes per la muntanya.
If you had a bike, we could do mountain tours.

It can also be used to express an advice. For example:

Jo, si fos de tu, acceptaria la feina.
If I were you, I would accept the job.

You might have noticed the English equivalent of the conditional is formulated with would.

Conditional perfect Condicional perfet

The conditional perfect (in Catalan: condicional perfet) is the compound tense of the conditional. It is used when the primary clause is in pluperfect subjunctive. It is formed by the auxiliar verb haver in simple conditional and the participle of the conjugated verb.

Si ho haguessis explicat amb més exemples, t'haurien entès millor.
If you had explained it with more examples, they would have understood you better.

Mood or tense?

Sometimes it is considered that the conditional is not an independent mood, but a verbal tense in the indicative mood.